How it saves energy and money
A Yoku fan can yield energy savings in 3 main ways. First, we use highly efficient electronics, including a brushless DC motor and LED lights. Second, the Yoku fan can lower hot air from the ceiling in cold months and creates a cooling breeze in warm months, which reduces the load off of your HVAC system. Lastly, due to thermal destratification achieved through the inverse cyclonic vortex, HVAC systems don’t need to cycle nearly as long, about 50% less, to maintain temperature in a room. HVAC is typically responsible for 40-50% of the average electric bill and we can trim that by about 38%. For reference, the average central air system uses 15,000 watts per hour, or 15 kWh. Each kWh of electricity requires about 1 pound of coal to create. Each pound of coal burned release about 2 pounds of CO2 into the environment.